Motus Digital

School, health & results

Working with integrated health work during the school day pays off!
Increased health, academic benefits and a better working environment. Active classrooms, walking pods, sleep, getting up and learning, movement within student health, emotional connection, collaborative exercises, brain check, nature as arena, yoga, doping etc. Pedagogy, research and implementation.

For educators, student health, students & groups
PS This is a European site but this section is specially adapted for USA & Great Britain DS

professional educators



Control your own process & learn your way

Pedagogical courses

Clear structure & connection to the school world. Easy to share the material with the students


Take the courses whenever & wherever you want. Set up a strategy that works for you and your school

For educators, students, student health & groups

Practical courses with research, history, exercises & concrete solutions

Support & help

You get answers to your questions and can also discuss the courses in your own community

What others say about us

Fantastic education as time does not always exist. I do the course whenever and wherever I want. When I feel it myself, in the mobile, in the computer etc
I have learned an incredible amount and I am glad that I got to be a test person. The interactive part and the fact that you can choose to listen and walk at the same time is superb!
Special teacher
"This tool, this type of education is the future! Being able to offer this to your educators as a school leader is incredibly flexible and I also get a receipt for where in the process everyone is."
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Common questions

Which course should I choose?

Our courses are intended for educators, students, adults, groups and student health. Some are focused on pedagogy and some are practical exercises in movement, training, etc. You can always see the overall content for each course before you decide.

Can the courses be used as continuing education?

Absolutely. For example, a school leader can give his staff time to attend a course or section. You can then easily integrate discussions and have follow-ups at staff meetings etc.

What do the courses cost?

Before we can give a price for a course, we need to know approximately how many people will have access to the course. Is it for one person or is it for an entire group or school? We answer your questions quickly about prices etc.

Free courses & access

We always have a number of courses / content that are completely free for you. The only thing required of you is a registration on the site, then you automatically get access to all free material. Some free courses are available for a period and some you will always have access to. You can normally have access to a paid course for 12 months, but adjustments can of course be made to suit you. 

Do I get help?

Obvious! Via the built-in chat tool, we can help you while you can have contact and discuss with other users. You can of course also email us if you have any questions. We also offer lectures, workshops & training online. A perfect start to a project around a healthier school etc.

How do I share the course with my students?

Sharing courses with students is very easy! When a course is purchased, you will receive an email with the link to your course and your own code.
1. Share the link + code with your students
2. Students click on the link, register and enter the code. Then you're up and running!

Do you want your own demonstration?

Contact us and we will set up a digital meeting where we briefly go through how the courses work & how to use them in the best way.
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